Pyrography work request
Please complete a separate form for each item. In the details box please specify clearly the text and or picture you require. If you have a picture for us to use please confirm it is out of copyright or it is your own design, photo etc and email it to us. Please give us as much information as you can, for example is there a specific type face you'd like us to use, popular ones are Bradley Hand ITC, Comic Sans, Gabriola, Kristen ITC, Lucida Calligraphy, M V Boli, Segoe Print and Viner Hand ITC. Do you want your picture as a cartoon or realistic?
Please make sure all text is proof read as what you type will be on the end product. No refunds will be given for incorrect spellings that have been copied from the order form.
We will be in touch soon to discuss details and artwork designs, confirm price, postage costs and estimated delivery date.